Lecture and artist talk at TU Buehnenbild June 13, 2018 lila media and more http://www.tu-buehnenbild.de/lecture-lila-chitayat-spatial-storytelling/ more lila chitatyatLila Chitayatspatial storytellingלילך שטיאט lila Architect, New Media Artist, Designer and Educator. Founder of LinC Studio, Senior lecturer at H.I.T at the Integrated Design, M.Des faculty and Interior design department. LinkedIn Related Posts Alberto Giacometti: Beginning, Again at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, The Eyal Ofer Pavilion Exhibition Design: Lila ChitayatCuration: Hugo Daniel, Ronili Lustig SteinmetzAssistant Curator: Hillary Reder, Nathalie Andrijasevic I… VIEWPOINT ISSUE 40 Body Without Organs: Lila Chitayat & Gabi https://www.welcometotherepublic.org/_en/index.php/work/1960/ please visit our blog
Alberto Giacometti: Beginning, Again at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, The Eyal Ofer Pavilion Exhibition Design: Lila ChitayatCuration: Hugo Daniel, Ronili Lustig SteinmetzAssistant Curator: Hillary Reder, Nathalie Andrijasevic I…
Body Without Organs: Lila Chitayat & Gabi https://www.welcometotherepublic.org/_en/index.php/work/1960/ please visit our blog