Sound and Matter in Design This Exhibition, explores the ways in which spaces, environments, and everyday experiences are shaped by sound. As this exhibition demonstrates, sound is not merely a backdrop to the unfolding of our daily routines; rather, it is a central element that is shaped by culture and shapes it in turn.The exhibition Seeing Sound Objects, co-curated for the Design Museum examined this idea through various sound objects, materials and new ways to listen to sound. from the curtorial text: ‘It is difficult to resist the temptation offered by a large seashell, which seduces us to listen to the “sounds of the sea.” The experience of feeling the shell in one’s hand, holding it close to one’s ear, and succumbing to its sound has a magical quality, while the impression that we are listening to sounds captured within the shell provokes a sense of wonder, even though we know that this is factually incorrect. That is the power of sound – at once mystical and scientific, immediate and total. Sound is capable of inviting listeners on a journey through the realms of both the real and the abstract, and of impacting both subjective experience and the environment in which it unfolds.” |
Lila Chitayat, Anat Safran, Elissabeta Pisu
Museum: Design Museum Holon, 2017
Exhibition Design: Tal Erez
Exhibition Construction: Sharon Shecter